
looks like your save or the game is broken

You are in Challenge {{ player.inChallenge }}
You have {{ formatWhole(player.coin) }} coins
Roll number: {{ formatWhole(tmp.rng )}}
Range: 1 - {{ formatWhole(tmp.maxnum) }}
Roll multiplier base number: {{ format(tmp.rng2, 1) }}
Range: 1 - {{ format(tmp.maxnum2, 1) }}
Roll multiplier exponent number: {{ format(tmp.rng3, 1) }}
Range: 1 - {{ format(tmp.maxnum3, 1) }}

Unlock auto-roll when you get the fifth upgrade

You are gaining approxly {{ approxGain() }} coins per second.

You have rolled {{ formatWhole(player.rolltimes) }} / 10.

{{coinUpgDesc()[n]}} Level: {{format(player.upg[n])}} Effect: {{format(tmp.upgeff[n])}} cost: {{formatWhole(getupgcost(n))}}


{{coinUpgDesc()[n+5]}} Level: {{format(player.upg[n+5])}} Effect: {{format(tmp.upgeff[n+5])}} cost: {{formatWhole(getupgcost(n+5))}}


You have {{formatWhole(player.dice)}} dice

Next at {{formatWhole(nextDiceAt())}} coins. Dice gain gets softcapped past 500.
Dice gain gets softcapped^2 past 10,000.
Dice gain gets softcapped^3 past 1,000,000
Dice gain gets softcapped^4 past 1e11
autobuying upgrades does not spend coins.
{{diceUpgDesc()[n].name}} {{diceUpgDesc()[n].effect}} {{"Cost: "+diceUpgDesc()[n].cost+" dice"}}
{{diceUpgDesc()[n+5].name}} {{diceUpgDesc()[n+5].effect}} {{"Cost: "+formatWhole(diceUpgDesc()[n+5].cost)+" dice"}}

Challenge {{a*4+n-4}}


{{"Goal: "+formatWhole(getChallengeGoal(a*4+n-4))}}

Completion: {{player.chaComp[a*4+n-4]+"/"+tmp.chaAmax[a*4+n-4]}}

{{"Reward: "+challengeDescription()[a*4+n-4].reward}}

You have {{formatWhole(player.cube)}} cubes, which boost coin gain by {{format(tmp.cubeff)}}x, dice gain by x{{format(tmp.cubeff.pow(0.5))}} and {{(player.line.gte(1))?("^"+(format(tmp.dopewope))):("if you see it everything is very bad")}}



{{cubeUpg()[n].desc}} {{(!player.upgP2[n])? ("Cost: "+cubeUpg()[n].cost)+" cubes":""}} Effect: x{{format(tmp.upgP2eff[n],1)}}

Buy previous upgrade to unlock

You have {{format(player.line)}} lines, which boost dice gain by {{format(tmp.lineEffect)}}x after softcap

Beta v0.0.3

Added new layer: Lines (it has nothing yet)
Balanced Cube Layer, up to c8x6
Balanced Dice Layer Slightly
Fixed many typos

Beta v0.0.2 With this update v0.0.1 is mostly working

Fixed challenges not starting
Fixed challenges giving 1 completion without meeting requirements
Fixed inconsistencies in UI
Made a theme switch and added dark theme
Added loading screen
Fixde a few of typos
Fixed NaN if you refresh the page while having autoroll

Beta v0.0.1

Added 4 cube milestones
Added 3 cube upgrades
Added a new challenge
Balanced up to 25 cubes on reset

Beta v0.0

Released the game in beta!


No one knows what existed in this period...

Made by 3^3=7, yyyy7089, jakub, Wrab, and water (even if he quit)
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This game might contain lots of bugs. if you see your save broken, refresh. if it doesn't solve your problem, hard reset.